Tuesday, November 4, 2008

You know the rules, but he doesn't

God damnit, who the hell trained the Marketing 12 students? Was it John? They don't how to fill out the form on the computer and where to put the deposit. They're fricking Marketing 12, and they should already have learned this stuff last year.

John cashed Til 3 out before the class even ended and pretty much screwed us over since he gave the cashier thewrong float, not telling helping her how to fill ou the form and then leaving us to clean up the mess he made. Not just that, but do you know what he did to the granola bars? They better not be damaged. Plus all of that shit he does with his "management discount"? WE follow a code of ethics and clearly, it is being breached in all sorts of manners by his very existance. This rant brought to you by the letter F.

Rick Astley

So yeah.... not posting in comment cuz no one will see...haha
Uhhh, HARSH words..,well this is what i get for being the class goof...? I didnt train the marketing 12. Yeah i cashed out cash 3, only because its the only logical thing to do. First off the person had free block and came in 5 minutes earlier, to do her thing. I felt that there was no need for a cash 3 so i let her cash it out. And also the reason douglas doesnt want till 2 on Wednesdays is because she feels the same way i do about this. As for the thing about the uhhh, float, i didnt even tell her the float i just told her to find the float in the receipt. is it really my fault she used the wrong one? I think not. i didnt help her cuz i left early..wwait i couldnt leave early because i was never suppose to work that day. so yeha i left cuz i had photos...Went great btw. The guy is super nice, but he made me where a tie.. The granola bars, im not sure what i did, but if your talking about the one thats dmged. i wasnt the one who did it. When we were doing inventory chris found it like that. O anddd the discount thing. Is totally my fault. But its not like im stealing i always buy the same shit and i know what prices we get them in for. its not like i dont want to spend that extra quarter, its just that i dont want to carry the change that is involved in buying a specific item. and sometimes i pay extra because i just dont wanna lug that extra weight around everywhere. And in my defense, i did start it, but im not the only one who has done it. ANNDDD again last year they did even worse things then what i did. hmmm im typing to much...so uhhh next time you have somtihng to say to me say it straight up to my face. Were not kids anymore, we dont have to stand behind a computer screen and act all hard to the core. I can take whatever u have to dish out at me. and i can actually see ur emotion, so i know if i should take u seriously or not. face it im not the only one always messing up and shit, i dunno why ppl think of me like that...ok yes i do, but in most cases its not entirely my fault... get ur facts stright before you blame someone...

Ps. yeah.. mr.bach if ur reading this ill take any punishment you give me...but secretly i hope u arnt...hehe
PSS NICE SONG. Did i get rick rolled?

Dayummm i wrote more than you, THink this is the most i ever wrote...

1 comment:

MK Management said...

Hey J, gonna flame ya.

Shut up and follow the rules. I mean you are but you have an attitude... I think

p.s. we only buy for less if we cant sell or are in desperate need for selling that thing aka sushi.

- harry